This child is a miracle…simple as that. As she goes through life, I wonder if she will ever grasp just how much she was wanted, wished for, PRAYED for, by so many people…I’m sure she will be told plenty of times.
The gut-wrenching journey that her mom and dad had been on for the 5 years before her birth I wouldn’t wish on anyone. After they were blessed with their oldest daughter, Claire (who is outrageously precious…not to mention one of my VERY favorite subjects to photograph), they were interested in expanding their family again as soon as possible.
But as they inched closer to FINALLY having a solid opportunity for another child, they’d be met with something tragic to knock them down again.
This family has been through years of IVF treatments, second, third, and fourth opinions, thousands upon thousands of dollars, adoption let-downs, and the most heartbreaking pain imaginable…multiple miscarriages. The devastation they have traveled through is unfathomable.
But God knew the plan all along. Through all of their tragedy would come triumph, and he has blessed them so far beyond any expectation. This rainbow baby definitely brings the sunshine with her everywhere she goes.
Her parents wanted a Fresh 48 session after her birth, as well as a Lifestyle Newborn session once she got home. And although I was able to hold it together while I was shooting the photos, I was quite worried about how the final images would turn out. This was because I literally spent the ENTIRE editing time in tears. Haha! ….no, really.
So in honor of her turning six months old last week, she certainly deserves her own post about just how much she’s loved. Note to her parents: I will most likely spend at least ten solid minutes sniffing her hair every time I see her in the future–possibly well on into her thirties. 🙂
Baby Sadie | Fresh 48 Session | Charlotte, NC Newborn Photographer
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